Glossop, Hadfield and Longdendale Special Transport Action Group

The Glossop, Hadfield Longdendale Special Action Transport Group (GHLSATG) was established 9th August 1978 with the goal of the group being to provide and better existing conditions and facilities for Glossop, Hadfield and Longdendale. The group was a group of local individuals and politicians (of all persuasions), trade unionists and railwaymen, backed by Trades Councils on both sides of the Pennines.

The Parent Body and founder organisation of GHLSTAG was the Glossop Hadfield and Districts Trades Council. Anyone in the community was welcome to be a member and the first committee members are recorded as:

Chairmen-E.W Wright, Vice Chairman-Mrs Arrowsmith, Secretary-Paul White and Treasurer-M. Liversedge.